The Very Old Folk / Оригинал текста

It was a flaming sunset or late afternoon in the tiny provincial town of Pompelo, at

The Unnamable / Оригинал текста

WE WERE sitting on a dilapidated seventeenth-century tomb in the late afternoon of an autumn day

The Silver Key / Оригинал текста

WHEN Randolph Carter was thirty he lost the key to the gate of dreams. Prior to

Pickman’s Model / Оригинал текста

YOU needn’t think I’m crazy, Eliot—plenty of others have queerer prejudices than this. Why don’t you

In the Vault / Оригинал текста

There is nothing more absurd, as I view it, than that conventional association of the homely

The Hound / Оригинал текста

In my tortured ears there sounds unceasingly a nightmare whirring and flapping, and a faint, distant

History of the Necronomicon / Оригинал текста

Original title Al Azif—azif being the word used by the Arabs to designate that nocturnal sound (made

He / Оригинал текста

Isaw him on a sleepless night when I was walking desperately to save my soul and

The Festival / Оригинал текста

“Efficiunt daemones, ut quae non sunt, sic tamen quasi sint, conspicienda hominibus exhibeant.”—Lactantius. IWAS far from

The Evil Clergyman / Оригинал текста

Iwas shown into the attic chamber by a grave, intelligent-looking man with quiet clothes and