Docy Child

Inspiration / Оригинал текста

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H. P. Lovecraft


(c. 1916–1917)
The National Magazine, Vol XLV, Oct 1916 to Mar 1917, pg 287

One fragrant morn, when Spring was young,
I roam’d the glen in eager quest,
Hoping with careful eye among
The grass to find the violet’s nest;
But not a leaf or bud seem’d sprung
Up from the couch of wintry rest;
And yet, when all my greedy search was o’er,
By chance I spy’d the flow’r I miss’d before!

One night, within my chamber pent,
I strove my fancies to enchain
In breathing numbers, and to vent
Some portion of my bliss and pain;
But strife of soul my musings rent—
The sluggish pencil mov’d in vain;
Yet out upon the mead the starlight brought
The long-wish’d song, unbidden and unsought!
